News archive 2005-2009 years24.08.2009In May, 2009 NTC NP Ltd. successfully passed the second supervisory control of quality management system. Quality management system certificate of NTC NP Ltd. is proved to be valid till 28 March, 2010. 25.05.2009On April 10, “NTC NP» LTD has received an official status of Starcom Systems representative. (certificates) 30.03.2009On 20 March, 2009 representatives of NTC NP Ltd. took part in the workshop “Main requirements of ISO 9001:2008. Order and procedure of certification”. The company has proceeded to the adoption of new ISO standard. (certificates) 06.11.200824 October 2008 NTC NP Ltd. has acquired license for mounting, alignment and maintenance of intruder alarm devices. Licensor - Department of Internal Affairs of Astana city. Number of state license: GSO # 001079. The license is valid for a indefinite term. 17.07.2008June 26, 2008 NTC NP Ltd. successfully passed the first supervision audit of acting quality management system in the TUV CERT system for meeting the requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2000. 09.06.2008According to the № 205-p. «Labor safety and protection» law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the administrative staff of NTC NP Ltd, including: Munaitpasov Zh., Skoryabkin A., Zeleny N.A., Myatovich Y.A., Borzov I.B., Gusseinov P.N. and Abdrazakov R.A. has passed the “Enterprise industrial safety” and “Principles of labor safety management in organization” training courses in Republican Governmental Utility Company “Republican scientific-research institute of labor safety of Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of population of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Training and knowledge assessment are confirmed by registration of the corresponding protocol and acquisition of standard МТС3Н RK certificates. 04.04.200828 – 30 March 2008 the Director of NTC-NP Ltd. Abdrazakov R.A. had passed the training at the seminar: “Finances for Non-financiers”, conducted by International Academy of Business. 26.03.200813, 14 of March, 2008. NTC NP Ltd took part in the Republican workshop conference “Application of nonintrusive scanning for custom inspection quality improvement. Advanced directions and developments are in the sphere of X-raying”. During the workshop there were represented the new products of partner company Nuctech - the largest supplier of equipment, designed for scanning of heavy-duty vehicles, cars, rakes, etc., using X-raying as a scanning tool. Also were represented the solutions, realized in ADCS project and results of this system application 22.02.2008February 08, 2008 Amanjolova Sh. and Kuzmin I. specialists from "NTC-NP" Ltd. have took the course of raising the level in the field of Quality Management System “The training of internal auditors QMS according with the standard ISO 9001-2000”. 7.12.2007Employees Serikova A. and Kuzmin I. successfully passed the training course"Labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan", conducted within the period from 03.12.2007 to 07.12.2007 by the Republican State Governmental Entity "Advanced training for personnel of Labour and Social Safety Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 30.11.2007Representative of TUV International RUS oficially presented the international quality certificate to NTC NP Ltd. This certificate verifies the compliance of Quality Management System, introduced on the enterprise, to the ISO 9001-2000 standards. 16.10.200704 - 05 of October, 2007г. NTC NP Ltd., being the developer of Automatic Delivery Control System (ADCS), was invited by the Custom Control Committee of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan for jointly holding of the republican seminar-training concerning the effectiveness of custom control technical facilities application. In the seminar, conducted on the base of custom control Department of Northern Kazakhstan region took part practicing specialists of custom authorities, posts and checkpoints. 01.10.2007October 01, 2007, NTC-NP has signed the dealer’s agreement with “PCF of the plant “GARO”, (the Russian Federation, Veliky Novgorod) authorizing to sale and maintain of the joint-stock company “GARO-trade” products designed for the State technical inspection of the motor transport. 30.07.2007On the 22 of July, 2007, project coordinators Gudkova V. and Husnullina A. passed “Custom-oriented interaction. How to gain and hold a customer” training program of “Professional GROUP” consulting-recruiting company. 18.07.2007On the 14 of July, 2007 Director Abdrazakov R.A. and General Issues Deputy Bolgarova N.V. have passed the “Managers ‘administration instruments and methods” training program of “Professional GROUP” consulting-recruiting company. This training was visited by management representatives of all holding companies and NTC-NP Ltd subsidiaries directors: Shur M.V. from Ust-Kamenogorsk and Mansurov F.Y. from Shymkent. 17.07.2007On the 12th of June, 2007 NTC-NP Ltd. has registered the subsidiary office in Ust-Kamenogorsk city. Shur M.V. has been appointed the subsidiary office director. The registered subsidiary office address: 27, Yshanov street. 16.07.2007On the 19th of February, 2007 NTC-NP Ltd. has registered the subsidiary office in Shymkent city. Mansurov F.Y. has been appointed the subsidiary office director. The registered subsidiary office address: 125 A, Beket Batyr street, Enbekshinsky district. 12.05.2007On 11th of May, 2007, technical director I.B. Borzov successfully passed ENDURA CCTV operation test of PELCO company. This system is a new product, designed with taking into consideration defects and advantages of current systems , including their own PelcoNET system. Endura is based on advanced high technologies: image processing technologies, image transfer technologies, digital net technologies and computer technologies. 3.04.2007On March, 21 , 2007 year Ltd “NTC – New Projects received the state license for X-ray equipment realization, which licensor is Nuclear Power Committee of Power and Mineral Resources Ministry of RK 9.02.2007In December 2006 «NTC New Projects Ltd» has successfully finished certification audit for the correspondence to quality management system ST RK ISO 9001-2001 «Quality Management System» and got the certificate, registered in the Public registered of Republic of Kazakhstan State Certification System. 13.12.2006On 08 December 2006 “NTC NP” Ltd. confirmed qualifying requirements on works which are pointed out in the existing work license in the field of architecture, municipal engineering and construction. List of works is extended. “NTC NP” Ltd has a right to carry out these works. (see scanned copies of license attachments) 26.11.2006On 26 November 2006 specialists of “NTC-NP” Beglerov S. and Plehov V. got training in the Scientific Manufacturing Enterprise “SOLO Ltd” (License GLA No 0000155 Atomic Energetic Committee on the specialty “Radiation Protection and Safety”) 08.11.2006On 08 November 2006 “NTC-NP” Ltd., received a confirmation given by National Center “Kurylysconsulting” about receipt of positive conclusion on the results of performed technical audit and experts of qualification requirements for the right of work execution in the field of architecture, municipal engineering and construction including seismic areas of Republic of Kazakhstan. 01.11.2006September the 2nd, 2006 specialist of "NTC-NP", Mr.Karpov S., has passed courses 28.04.2006April 28, 2006 with the aim of the skill level in the quality area, for successful introduction and supporting in operating condition Management Quality System (MQS) in «NTC NP» Ltd, employees N.V.Bolgarova and A.H.Husulina took part and successfully completed training at the seminar, realized by Kazakhstan-Russian JSE «Intersertifika-CenterAsia» - «Quality Management System».